with hands-on clinical experiences,
with supportive and collegial training,
and with beyond radiology exposures.
to find your path, to find your craft.
You will perform many procedures
& can choose ESIR.
ESIR (Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology)
You may join with up to three resident our ACGME-approved ESIR to will perform well over 500 procedures in four years by selecting at the end of second year of diagnostic radiology.
(Opt-in at end of PGY-3 year after working in all the subspecialities for two years. Most years, three or less residents wish to pursue ESIR so all wishing can opt-in. If more express interest, there will be an application process).
Oncology – Chemoembolization & ablations
Transplant - Full spectrum of interventions
Trauma - Level 1 Trauma urgent interventions
Stroke – Acute stroke interventions
General – Vascular, biopsy, and drainage
You will communicate with specialists in conferences & Tumor boards
You will make the call on ED Night Float
You will work side by side attending radiologists
You, and all residents, will perform procedures in diagnostic imaging and interventional rotations in the many subspecialties
You will train with a clinical focus.

“Joyful Workplace”
Highest designation by AMA survey results of residents
2023-2024 AMA resident wellness survey
Consistently, the best Sponsoring Institution that the AMA has surveyed.
Diagnostic Radiology residency Baylor University Medical Center

You will see beyond radiology
You will join conferences / discussion groups on:
Business and Healthcare
• Healthcare policy changes
• Business - Practice and Personal topics
• The radiologist’s role in medicine
• Patient safety
Global medicine
• Thailand – Joint web conferences

Find your Path
Find your Craft
You will be proud to …
blaze your path and shape your own craft through a range of clinical experiences and exposures beyond
& be poised for academics, hybrid, or private practice after pursuing competitive local and/or national fellowships.
Like residents before, you too may become …
President of one of the largest private practices in the country
Chief of a radiology department and a neurointerventionalist (NIR) after volunteering for NIR call as a resident.
Hospital Medical Executive President and Leader of global radiology charity mission trips
Multi-specialty attending including body MRI and specialized fellowship in molecular imaging
ED radiologist with Interventional training